Hello everyone and welcome! Let me first begin by introducing ourselves to you - I'm Cathy (the mamma) standing alongside, very proudly I might add, our daughter Kelly. Not shown here in this picture is Tony (the husband and very proud dad as well) who has chosen to let the girls of the house do their thing. SO, for the most part, it will just be the two of us gals making up the BnB team that will genuinely greet all of you, our guests, at Toba's Bed and Breakfast.
We come to East Lahave, NS carrying a heart full of love and appreciation for all people and most importantly we have made it our mission to serve others with the very same consideration and care that we ourselves believe is the root to a happy heart!
WHY become Bed and Breakfast owners in Nova Scotia now when we hail from Manitoba you may ask? Well very simply put, we visited and fell in love! A bit of background - Kelly recently spent her last four years living out here in the East Coast while playing University hockey for Mount Allison in Sackville, New Brunswick. When she graduated this past May we of course made the trek out once again to attend her graduation and while here, we were once again reminded of just how magnificent this part of Canada truly is.
As life and divine timing would have it, this incredible opportunity seemed to just simply appear. With a dream of potentially one day owning and running a Bed and Breakfast of her own, it pretty much seemed to all of us that when Kelly stumbled upon this historic beauty, the answers were well, I guess as they say, written in the stars. From that point forward of connecting with the home owners Daniel and Lesley, spending a few hours with them in their palace and hearing them share in detail so much about the history of the home and their story and love that they have infused into it over the last 10 years, our decision to pursue this was a given ... we were now becoming Bed and Breakfast owners of a magnificent historical home set on the beautiful shoreline of East Lahave, NS.
The name TOBA was birthed actually five years ago when Kelly was given that as a nickname while living out east. Apparently, she was the only athlete playing on Mount A's hockey team from the province of Manitoba so as you can guess, this was her new name. Four years of being referred to as TOBA while living on the East Coast made it an easy decision when it came time to name the newly acquired BnB. Her dream, her name and our incredible excitement and enthusiasm to be able to embark upon this next chapter together is what lies at the heart of this decision!
So here we are, a few months later getting everything set and ready to introduce Toba's Bed and Breakfast to the world. Our official opening will be May 1, 2018.
Kelly and I welcome you to join us in person or follow us here on our blog. Either way you are not going to want to miss out on this East Coast adventure of mother and daughter as we take much joy in being able to offer this gem of a home to all those interested in visiting us in this most spectacular part of the world. Your room is waiting ...